


或20年里光打胎打了2-3亿人😑 控制人口倒是很成功啊

















不算米国400年来毫无节操制造尸体的手段,谈判本身中国毫无底牌。made in china已经越来越少,美国完全可以不需要中国产品。只剩下轻工小家电,毫无“不可替代性”,而且正在迅速被东南亚取代。加完关税最多是屁民生活消费成本增高,但是明面上吃饭开车成本与中国无关,也就是所谓通膨。








  1. 黑五前后,司机+帮工每天要送300-400个包裹,平均2分钟一个,基本扔下就得走。范围上下左右两三个block,大约面积2x5=10平方公里。
  2. 一般每天步行10-15公里,最惨下雪下雨腿20公里。开车可以100-200公里,每天专人加油(气)。不下雨外面挺舒服,下雨时骂天骂地骂老板。
  3. 规定上午先送Business客户,住户一般下午。然后收集pickup,最晚到晚上8-9点。周末很少因为超时要50%额外工资。
  4. 多数衣服鞋子便宜货不需要签字,直接扔门口。Business必须签收,贵重物品手机电脑文件大多需要签收。一些贵重品必须见到人例如burberry。特叼的nuskin需要19岁以上签收。阿姨我要看你的身份证。
  5. 虽然快递都有电话,但是司机不负责打电话。因为根本没时间打电话。只有极少数情况会打电话,例如死沉又要签收还要爬楼的,先问家里有没有人,没有就不送了,不接也不送了。另外一些没有门牌号的,歪国包裹等。
  6. 规定出租apartment不能扔门口,因为几乎没门禁,经常搬家换人,还有莫名其妙丢包裹。买的condo就可以扔门口,门禁也安全。政府这几年往各个出租apartment里面都塞满了难民,有些半栋楼都是,不知道里面寥寥几个华人什么感觉。
  7. 送错情况很少,一般都能纠正。彻底送错丢了的一个月也就一两次,几千个包裹一两次真的不多。但是莫名其妙的事情总会发生。
  8. 绝大多数问题都是收货人的问题,后面讲。
  1. COD=Collect On Delivery,不是Cash也不收Cash,只收信用卡和支票。信用卡只要签字,绝对不需要背面三位数。
  2. 歪国尤其是美国包裹一律关税+报关费。多数COD在20-100之间,从美国起运的20刀只是个开头。经常100刀买个东西,快递费又交了100刀。这事我也干过一次,再也不从美国买东西了。有的到付600多。
  3. 所以拒收的挺多,退货撕逼也不少。有人想往美国退货,然而商家也不收这种到付的报关费,又退回来,具体怎么来回撕,不太清楚。反正我觉得货款退不回来。
  4. UPS报关费用:普通standard,除了关税额外收40刀+13%tax的brokerage fee。express是10刀+13%tax报关费。从美国寄务必使用express,standard就是个坑逼。据说USPS之类可能免报关,不确认。
  5. 如果已经网上付费,就可以丢家门口。一直不交钱就规定送三次,然后放几天不去取就退。至于对面商家会不会掏报关费收退货,不知道。
  6. 例如100美元给你算成140加币,美国起运交20美元接近30加币,扣60按80抽关税13%是10块。再到付45加币报关费,基本运费就85。想不明白到底要掏多少钱,就别从美国寄东西。想明白的,最好提前网上交钱别耽误事。
  1. 送快递每天见到最多的是其他送快递的。Canada Post多得像蟑螂,有些地方一栋楼一条小街都有2波人去送,感觉冗余很严重。UPS和Fedex业务多一个司机负责2-3个block。Purolator少一些,Canpar更少,没聊过。
  2. 绝大部分快递司机都是老黑,基本垄断。只有Canada Post很多老白,都干了几十年的。
  3. 黑五季有一大群特殊临时工。开着19.99的discount van或者uhaul van做contract送快递临时工。他们送的公司包括amazon,walmart,staples,等等等。
  4. 各个商家签约不同的快递公司,专用canada post专用ups专用fedex等等都有,基本是固定的。而Amazon是个大淘宝,谁送的都有。经常有ups送amazon到门口发现fedex丢下的另一个amazon包裹事情。非常、非常多的amazon商家用临时老黑送货。
  5. 正规公司包裹上车要scan,送到要scan,送不到也要留条scan。临时司机扔下就走,真的不清楚他们怎么做送货确认的。黑五后我们delay最多一星期,别人不知道。
  6. 老司机极其重要。老司机知道所属片区的每一条街道每个门牌号,门口扫一眼就知道家里有没有人,能不能签收包裹,毕竟天天巡街,对各家各户比片警都熟。我只扫四个block的街,都不敢说记得所有街道和门牌号位置。那些临时司机,举着googlemap乱跑,负责区域能大到整个区,找到路难度相当大。
  7. 大部分混乱应该是临时工造成的。不知道什么人送货的话,老实去pick up。要么乖乖多掏点快递费走正规渠道。free shipping就是个坑。

  1. 很多人不写unit号。每天都能有几个。中国人基本没有,一般是鬼佬。有空会打个电话或者问楼管,没空直接退回去,老子几百个快递要送,送不到也算完成,没空理你。
  2. 少数人写了unit号。但是地址栏太长,写在后面结果打印不出来。能看出确实想写的一般会打电话问一下。记住要么写两行,要么写前面。
  3. 绝大多数人不写buzz code。绝大多数人在门口的phone book找不到。起码一半人就算buzz打过去也没人接。有些楼能直接叫security进楼,有些没有的,老子几百个快递要送,送不到也算完成,没空理你,门口扔个条走人。写buzz的都是好人。
  4. 至于老黑临时快递,他们没法叫security开门进楼(ups起码有制服,片区固定就我,两天混熟全部楼管),能不能送到全靠运气。
  1. 很多人没有门牌号。要么特别小、或者跟墙一个颜色,根本看不见。门牌号是给快递、警察、防火看的,不是躲小偷用的,成心让人找不到你家是在种大麻?白天有些还能根据邻居推算,天黑了能送得到都是有良心。
  2. 最好的门牌号就是巨大字、巨显眼、对比度极高、车库正前方、最好天黑还能发光。没几块钱,能换的换了吧。
  3. 规定包裹要扔到防风门和正门中间的走廊里,除非箱子太大放不进去。有一些国人锁防风门,那门防风防雨又不防小偷?我们认为锁门的意思是请把包裹扔外面,不管下雨下雪还是被人拿走被风刮跑都扔外面。随便,老子几百个快递要送,没必要好心给你放门里,反正扔门外也是送到。
  4. 虽然没有听说正门break in,但是最近一段时间侧面厕所窗户break in非常多,因为店里security bar卖得非常好,都是被警察介绍来的。自己注意。
  1. 买shop.com和nuskin的只有中国人。只有中国人。只有中国人。
  2. 绝大部分中国人house屋里味道跟阿叉一样猛,感觉让他们开个窗浪费暖气费比死了都难受。防风门里面臭鞋味已经够猛了,我都不想开门往里扔包裹,更别说再开屋门签字收包裹,基本都得憋气。有时候宁愿站雪里,给我出来签字。
  3. 老白的house确实没什么味。condo基本也没什么味,估计是暖气包了,都敢开窗户。地产经纪应该更懂吧。但经纪们见到的都是卖房的,要么新房,也许不像我遇到“生活气息”浓厚的。
  4. 大部分人在家里光脚不穿鞋,包括很多中国人。你们暖气到底开多少度脚才不冷?有那温度能开个窗户吗?
  5. 好像写了什么不该写的,被删了。我之前写得啥来着?
  6. 有些人敲门不吭声,喜欢偷偷趴peep hole看。叔叔不是查水表的坏人。不开门就留条走了,老子几百个快递要送,没工夫等你研究我是谁。态度最好的是大喊coming然后出来的,然而只有老黑态度这么端正,老黑压根不怕你门口是谁。
  7. 大部分人家白天有人。house基本全部家里有人,condo没人的多一些。实锤大家都是年薪十万有房有车不用上班。然而很多年薪10万屋里味跟阿叉一样,没有门牌号,门铃也是坏的,莫非真的种大麻?
  1. 每天都能见到上百个客户,而快递是被拒绝最少的一个。上门卖保险的估计脸都要被打肿了。
  2. 见的人多了,脸皮厚度大幅上升,见谁都能堆一脸傻笑。面对老太太也能真诚的赞美您今天好漂亮(赶紧把这快递收了吧)。
  3. 送写字楼是能遇到美女的。可惜美女眼里只有包裹,没有快递哥。
  4. 快递不是水管工,不会有喜闻乐见的故事。每个包裹算上路程平均2分钟,扫码器带计数指标的,扔下就得走。再说了水管工高收入,快递不行。


use ShopVac for home cleaning

ShopVac vs HomeVac

ShopVac offers a lower price with the same power, the same or better level of air filtration by changing filters, never clogs, and is capable of cleaning cars.

How to choose ShopVac for the home? 

Motor power, Filter, Nozzle, and Price.

  1. Motor Power

ShopVac advertises "peak horsepower", it's just marketing. Power comparison is in Watts or Amp.

By definition 1 horsepower = 745.7 watts, but 2-3 "peak horsepower" is equivalent to 5-7 amp, 6-700 watts; 8-10 amp, 1000 watts would "peak 5 horsepower"; 12 amp, 1200 watts would say 6 peak horsepower.

Portable HomeVac has 200-300 watts, and cordless (battery) vacuum varies from 100-400 watts. Some upright stick/canister 5-7amp, 600-800 watts, that's a similar range with 2-3 hp ShopVac. Most canisters have 8-12 amps, or 800-1200 watts, comparable to 4-5 hp ShopVac.

Low-mid range HomeVac always avoids telling motor specs.

ShopVac peak 6 hp is good for renovation jobs but overpowered for homes.

  1. Suction Power, Hose and Nozzle

Suction = (approx) motor power / hose(nozzle) size

Also measured by airflow velocity (CFM), and sealed pressure, affected by filter resistance. But anyway, motor power is decisive.

Bigger nozzle requires higher power. A portable 300-watt vacuum can't support a wide nozzle, 600-watt will somewhat do, but best with 1000-watt. Many people use a small portable vacuum with a wide nozzle to clean floors and carpet, of course, "This sucks bad".

ShopVac usually comes big 1-7/8 ~ 2-1/2 inch diameter hose for large debris, but HomeVac only needs a 1-1/4 ~ 1-1/2 inch hose. Similarly, a small 2-3 hp ShopVac equips only 1-1/4 hose and only a crevice nozzle. They have enough power for a wider nozzle against light home dust.

In a similar power range, HomeVac appears to have better suction power due to a smaller hose and nozzle. On the other side, it's easy to clog.

Many high-end HomeVacs equip specialty (rotating, brushed, etc) nozzles for floor, and carpet, but ShopVac does not. Those nozzles are important to fine-clean large home areas.

  1. Filter

The filter is essential.

Mid-high level HomeVac carries better, or HEPA filter. ShopVac mostly comes with standard filters. That's why people complain that dust comes off from the back. 

Standard Filter: removes 95% of particles 5 microns (PM5.0)
Fine Dust Filter: removes 99% of particles 1 micron (PM1.0)
HEPA Filter: removes 99.97% of particles 0.3 microns (PM0.3)

The smallest particle human eyes see is PM10 (hair PM 80-100).

By a popular term, the vacuum should at least filter out PM2.5 (2.5 microns). 

Is HEPA (PM0.3) really necessary?

  • Whatever advertisement, pet dander, fine dust, cyclone(a different mechanism), etc. They are NOT a HEPA filter.
  • Whatever advertisement, HEPA-like, HEPA-material, means NOT HEPA-rated. 
  • HEPA has stronger air-flow resistance and requires better airtight, and higher motor power to be functional. 
  • Only mid-high models have a true HEPA filter. Yet not always true HEPA performance for many reasons.
  • Portable HomeVac mostly comes with standard filters. They won't have sufficient suction with strong filter resistance.
  • Canister/upright floor cleaners with nearly 1000 watts of power equip better filters, but not all HEPA. 
  • Most robot cleaner (the round self-moving one) has a basic filter of 99%-PM10, even not as efficient as a standard filter. Robots can't use a strong motor (power consumption) to support fine filters. It's ok for slow airflow speed, and it cleans better than human eyes anyway. 
  • After all, many HomeVacs, including most portable vacuums, ground robots, and "best selling" vacuums (=low price), do nothing against small particles PM 0.3. 
  • But most people are fine with them.

Compare To Furnace Filter:

Another way to think about filter efficiency.

  • Efficiency is not cut-out level, standard filters 7-12 also do some PM1.0, like 20% efficiency.
  • 3M furnace filter develops a special MRP rating itself, but the industry uses the MERV rating.
  • High-efficiency filter (mid-level blue colour vacuum filter) is MERV 13-16, comparable to MRP 1500 (the most commonly used Filtrete furnace filter).
  • MERV 7-12 is good enough for home use. The hospital requires 13-16.
  • HEPA is above any MERV rating (max 16). MERV16≥95% PM0.3; HEPA≥99.97% PM0.3
  • However, a study showed that, at the 95-percent confidence level, there was no statistical difference between HEPA and MERV16. I don't think a 95% confidence test is enough for 99.97% though if true HEPA.
  • My understanding:

    • The HEPA filter is nice to have, but not a must. 
    • Most people live without HEPA. 
    • Even vacuum is HEPA, window screen not HEPA, furnace filter not HEPA. 
    • In case of serious allergy issues, search & read more about filters. Also, think about using a special air purifier.
    • Standard Filter is okay for a portable vacuum on a sofa, bed, and robot cleaner.
    • Fine Dust Filter is recommended for floor cleaning. Vacuums will suck & blow up dust in a large quantity. Most vacuums around this level, they are good enough. 
    • True HEPA Filter, not "HEPA-like" stuff, is rare. Many restrictions apply such as the air-tight ability. 

    By using the same level of filter, ShopVac would achieve the same level of air filtration efficiency as HomeVac. Whichever uses a better filter should outperform the other.

    Most HomeVac doesn't have the option to replace filters, and most people don't know ShopVacs change filters and dust bags easily. Separate filter costs $20-50. Not all models sell replacement filters in Canada, it's recommended to find a filter before choosing ShopVac.


    HomeVac easily beats ShopVac in every aspect. ShopVac is uglier, bulkier, heavier, and a lot noisier.

    ShopVac requires you to drag huge size containers, or carry 10-15 lb heavyweight, no convenient fancy nozzle, looks like cheap stuff, and has no pleasure at all.

    1. Durability 

    ShopVac easily beats HomeVac for toughness. ShopVac never has an issue with clogging. The smallest ShopVac container is bigger than any HomeVac (0.5-2 Litre). ShopVac has easy change filters and dust bags.

    Motor life may be the same under the same household environment. 

    1. Price & Recommendation

    ShopVac generally has a lower price for similar motor power or has a better motor with a similar price.

    In the $30-50 (cad) range, 2-3.5 hp(500-600watts) ShopVac competes with portable vacuum (200-300watts). It's good for smaller condos or secondary vacuums to clean cars and pets. They rarely have replacement filter or needs to purchase separate wide nozzle. Purchasing separate filters ($20-50) and nozzles ($10-20) will take the actual price into the next category.

    For $40, Lowe's Shop-Vac, Porter-Cable, and Homedepot's Ridgid are all good buys. Whichever is on sale.

    About $100, 4-5 hp all-purpose ShopVac is good for medium-sized homes. 1000 watts power, wide nozzle, and available better replacement filter and dust bags. I recommend this range for most homes.

    Above $150, ShopVac has a too-big container. The entire house won't fill up a 1/4 gallon HomeVac container, what will ShopVac's 18 gallons do? Higher price HomeVac and ShopVac compete in a different area, and ShopVac is no longer a good option for home cleaning.

    The verdict

    It's ideal to have both HomeVac and ShopVac. HomeVac for indoors, ShopVac to clean cars and unclog pipes.

    I don't want that many vacuums.

DEWALT 4-Gallon 5-Peak -HP Shop Vacuum, DXV04T

DEWALT Cartridge Filter High-Efficiency, DXVC4002


  • One vacuum for everything: power + portable.
  • Strong corded 9amp motor (5 peak hp), in line power with the most canister vacuum. Enough suction power for medium home area cleaning. 
  • Portable, the hose is easily carried with the vacuum.
  • Purchasable replacement fine dust filter DXVC4002, enough for home use.


  • 6kg carrying weight. The hose is short and the vacuum must be carried all the way. Not friendly to housewives.
  • Canada does not sell its HEPA filter.
  • Canada does not sell its dust bags.

Reason for choosing:

I found it on sale.